Wednesday, July 22, 1987

Love is letting go

                              Love is letting go,
                              that's what it's all about.
                              It's seed you have to sow
                              in furrows of your doubt.

                              It's wheat you go to reap
                              and harvest hundred-fold,
                              that while you were asleep
                              transfigured dust to gold.

Wednesday, June 24, 1987

Whenever I see you

                            Whenever I see you,
                            it's like sweet light falls on my eyes,
                            fresh and new.
                            Gladness swells my heart
                            like the sunrise.

                            Day or night, it's the same,
                            or when I only hear your name,
                            and I can't explain away
                            this feeling inside,
                            that you feel the same way
                            when you're by my side.

Sunday, February 8, 1987

There was a boy

                                There was a boy
                                sent off to war
                                who fell in love
                                with everyone he saw,

                                went up well-armed,
                                helm, sword and shield,
                                himself to fight
                                on the body's field.